The Windmill Market has launched its blog!

We finally have a forum to share all our tidbits of info on local farmers, cool artists, the best sandwiches, an interesting article on green living, recipes from our Produce Club, or whatever else pops into Mac's brain! Stay tuned for all the info you never thought you needed to know...

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Bloomin' & Growin'

The Windmill's garden is bursting with buds and tiny fruits everywhere you look!

We try to fill every container, planter and bed with something edible, showing that we can use the ground for both edible and beautiful things at the same time- it doesn't have to be one or the other!

Thanks to Father Nature Landscapes, who makes it all work for us while we stay busy with the restaurant and grocery.

The most interesting things popping up are our tomato plants, which we did not plant on purpose. We recently shifted our compost operation to make room for more back of house space. All the restaurant fruit and vegetables scraps have recently been going to feed Little House Farms heritage breed black pigs instead of making compost anyway, which we think is a fine use for all that. So the remaining compost was added to the beds a few weeks back. The millions of tiny tomato seeds down in the compost that we never once thought about decided to sprout and we now have tomato plants growing from our ears! Out of the base of fruit tree planters, in garden beds, you name it! What a treat to watch these accidental plants grow strong and make food once again!

Pictures of the tomato plants are below, as well as a few other delicious things just starting to pop out. Come by and check it all out for yourself!
Tomato Plants Taking Over!
Tomato Plants Growing Under Our Fruit Trees
Lettuces Sprouting out of the cracks in the sidewalks and the corner of raised beds!
Tiny Peppers still going and growing strong form last Summer! Mild Winter, I guess...