We found this recent NPR story fascinating and had to share! Click here to listen to the story on NPR.org.
'Third Plate' Reimagines Farm-To-Table Eating To Nourish The
20, 2014
Perched on a farm along the Hudson River is Dan Barber's
award-winning restaurant, Blue Hill at Stone Barns. The food that's harvested
on the farm year-round is what is served to diners daily.
But this champion of the farm-to-table movement noticed that
farming and consuming foods locally still wasn't all that sustainable.
"Tomatoes are the all star of the farm-to-table world.
But in fact, they're like the Hummers of the vegetable world," he tells
NPR Morning Edition host Renee Montagne. That's because they require more water
and nutrients from the soil than a lot of other vegetables.
"At the end of the day what we need to support is all
of the farming decisions that lead to that one great tomato," he says.