Friday, April 22, 2011

Wascally Wabbit

Wendy the Windmill's wonder rabbit dug to freedom and made a run for it last night.

After Wendy & Wendell's honeymoon and the onslaught of a crew of baby bunnies, Wendy has enjoyed some relative freedom hoping around the vegetable beds at the front of the market. She could now be called a "free-range bunny", I suppose. She began tunneling in the dirt not long after she was put out there, and her rabbit hole tunnels have been getting precariously close to sunlight!  I have been watching her progress the last few days to be sure she didn't make a run for it! Sometime last night while the rest of us were sound asleep she tunneled all the way out to freedom.

Fortunately, she didnt leave the premises and I found her hopping around the front walkway. She ran away from me when I tried to catch her, but went back down the (non proverbial) rabbit hole. She was coaxed back into her pen and I locked the door so she can not be making any great escapes for the immediate future. Mac will have to get to work on a plan B bunny proof enclosure for this wascally wabbit!

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