Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Where does all the good stuff go?

Ever wondered what happens to all the fruits and veggies that go bad at the Windmill's WestSide Grocery? I'm not going to lie- in an open-air facility that is only moderately air conditioned, the produce that doesn't sell right away gets tired and we have to do something with it asap.

Enter Pumpkin, stage left.

This rotund member of the Walcott family has been (happily) putting away our tired, rotten and otherwise undesirable produce since she joined their brood about a month ago. And Pumpkin never had it so good! This Vietnamese Pot-Bellied pig will be dining tonight on peaches, yellow squash, tomatoes, and one really nasty potato that we tossed this morning. The tired carrots were commandeered by our part-time check out girl, Lara Wiggins, for the horses she cares for out at Fox Run Farm.

Pumpkin, being new to the farm, is still making friends, and has not been warmly welcomed by all the folks she now lives with. The ducks for example, think she stinks. The burros, though, have taken a liking to her and they play during the few hours a day Pumpkin is not wallowing in the water and mud.

While we hope to sell every bit of produce before it wilts, we can all feel good that it isn't completely going to waste. At least, Pumpkin doesn't think so.

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