Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Windmill Artist Chosen as Jubilee Festival Artwork

We are so pleased to announce that the Eastern Shore Chamber Jubilee Festival Planning Committee has selected one of our own for the festival official artwork!

The event, which takes place in Olde Towne Daphne September 24 & 25, has been ongoing for the last 23 years and always selects the work of one local artist for the design of the t-shirts and posters you will see around town. This year they have selected "Pelican Racers" by longtime Windmill vendor and photographic artist Michael Thomas of Mic Designs.

The work depicts two brown pelicans racing through the bay, enjoying a swim. The image was shot at the boat launch in Fairhope early one morning. It is a mixture of digital painting that overlays photography, creating the appearance of a true painting. This unique style has won Michael tons of fans and followers- you may have seen some of his other images of boats, beaches, historic landmarks and downtown Fairhope in the market.

Michael has a long background in photography dating back 35 years when he was employed at Meteor Photo, a photo lab in Detroit, Mich. He worked in the darkroom developing film and enhancing images for the automobile industry and commercial photograhers. Then when digital photography technology was developed he started to work with that medium and expanded his knowledge in the field of photography and art. He relocated to Baldwin County two-and-a-half years ago and found a new way of living and has further developed his creative abilities.

“I started working on painting digital photography using various programs when I moved here,” he said. “I print the images on canvas so they will have more of an appearance of a painting.” He added that he prints his images a variety of items such as canvas, paper, coasters, mouse-pads, books, cards and postcards.

Shea Dean, the chairman for the Jubilee Festival was having lunch at MaryAnn’s Restaurant in the Windmill Market when she discovered his work and asked him to submit some of his artwork to the committee for consideration.

Michael said the artwork depicts a celebration of wildlife in lower Alabama. His love for the water has been his lifestyle since his youth living around the numerous lakes in Michigan. Moving to Gulf Shores and exploring the region was a perfect fit for him.

“I love the lower Alabama climate and the culture here,” he said. “It’s a slower pace and the people are so nice.”

Festival goers will be able to see more of Michael’s work at the Jubilee Festival. He will have a double booth set up showing and selling his art. The t-shirts and posters will be on sale at the information booth. Festival hours are 10 am – 4 pm daily. The festival takes place on Main Street in front of the Daphne City Hall. There is no admission to the festival. For more information visit

Congratulations Michael!

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