Friday, September 9, 2011


I just watched an amazing trailer for a documentary about the plight of small, family-run farms that I wanted to share. Over the last few months as the WestSide Grocery has grown and our offerings have expanded, we have noticed how difficult it is to find products produced, grown and raised by small farms. Why is this? People have offered a number of reasons, and for every product and every situation the circumstances are certainly unique.

But it does seem to me that often (not always) government regulation of our food industry makes it difficult for the little guy to get his product to the market. And the things that government regulations control are not things that I necessarily want in my food. While the things that matter to me are not monitored or controlled whatsoever.

This is a sensitive issue that people are talking about all over the country. Watch the trailer for Farmageddon and let us know what you have to say about it all! Let's get a conversation started... (We are hoping to have this movie screened here at the market in the near future so stay tuned!)

Farmageddon - Movie Trailer from Kristin Canty on Vimeo.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Windmill Market,

    Julia Street Farm here, Mobile's only urban farm. I sell pastured eggs in the midtown Mobile area and completed an internship at Polyface Farm, where I had the privilege of viewing the entirety of Farmageddon. I contacted the Crescent Theater in Mobile about getting a screening of the film but they weren't too interested. If you are able to get a screening please let me know. I would gladly advertise to my customers; many of them are very interested in seeing it. Also, if you need help in arranging a screening I'd be glad to give another shot at contacting them.
