Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Eating Rules

One of our customers and friends (Thanks Paul!) shared a blog with us that we enjoyed so much we had to share. Called "Eating Rules," it is informative, entertaining, and the photography is beautiful to boot! I especially enjoyed their post, "10 reasons to keep backyard chickens"... as if you needed a reason! But take a look anyway and you will be convinced.

I was also impressed by their "October Unprocessed Challenge." Blogger Andrew Wilder decided to go an entire month back in 2009 without eating any processed foods, and says of the experience:

It was revelatory. My expectations and sense of taste were re-calibrated. I started to identify individual ingredients in the foods I ate. I didn’t crave those salty snacks. I found myself often in the kitchen, excited to see what I could cook next. Above all, I simply felt better.

Gathering friends and supporters along the way, the Unprocessed October Challenge has grown each year to have participants from all across the country. I only wish we had found out about this sooner! What an exciting and worthy challenge. Perhaps the Windmill needs to sponsor a similar unprocessed challenge???

Click here to read the story and sign up to participate!

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