Wednesday, February 6, 2013 King Cakes are a sure (and tasty) sign of Carnival

By David Holloway |
on January 28, 2013 at 1:49 PM, updated January 28, 2013 at 2:45 PM

MOBILE, Alabama -- Mardi Gras is steeped in mystery and intrigue, a celebration marked by odd customs that can seem odd to folks unfamiliar with our brand of revelry.

Standing on a corner, for instance, and having strangers hurl trinkets and foodstuff to you from passing floats is an unusual way to get ready for the solemnity of Lent. As my good friend Wendell Quimby likes to say “It ain’t for everybody” and we know this and we like this.

But one of the more endearing and unusual customs of Mardi Gras involves a delicious cake that is only available during Carnival.

The King Cake goes on sale, according to legend, around New Year’s Day and is offered throughout the Carnival season. But come Ash Wednesday, when the 40 day lead up to Easter begins, the cake pans are packed away until next year.

Though the King Cake dates back to the 1600s, it is a relative newcomer to the Coastal Alabama party. It is widely held by folks who know (me) that the King Cake was first introduced to Alabama’s Mardi Gras celebration about 1959.

The man who is credited with bringing this tasty cake to the party is the late Fred Pollman of the famous bakery that still bears his family name. Mr. Pollman had visited the Crescent City and he discovered the locals there were all about a brioche cake that was decorated with the colors of Mardi Gras – purple, green and gold.

He fiddled with the recipe and, made it a tad lighter and less dense and he rest is history. It is often sold with a variety of fillings, from cream cheese to jellied fruit; among purists, though, the plain version is also very popular.

Yeah, but what’s the deal with the baby?

A tiny, pink, plastic baby is often hidden within the cake and the finder is then bound by custom to bring a King Cake to the next social gathering of the season. Some commercial bakers now opt not to include the tiny baby inside the cake, choosing to include it with the cake so you can put it in if you like.

King Cakes are widely available from a number of outlets, both in person and online. But if for some reason you don’t have access to one you can make it yourself at home. Be advised, it is a detailed and lengthy process but the cake is delicious.

Take heart, gentle readers. The folks over at Windmill Market in Fairhope, Ala., are going to show you how it’s done. They are hosting a series of King Cake-cooking classes, the next of which is Thursday, Jan. 31.

“Our cooking classes are small and intimate groups where everyone gets a chance to get their hands dirty and get in the middle of the cooking,” said Maggie Lacey with Windmill Market. And if you don’t want to get your hands dirty, she said you can just sit back and watch while enjoying a glass of wine.
“We offer private classes at any time for groups of 8 or more at no additional charge,” she said, adding that if the class is a success they will immediately plan more.

For information on the classes you can call the market at 251.990.8883. 

If you want to get adventurous, here’s one you can make at home. This recipe is from the good folks at Southern Living.
King Cake
Makes 2 cakes
1/4 cup butter or margarine
1 (16-ounce) container sour cream
1/3 cup sugar
1 teaspoon salt
2 (.25 ounce) envelopes active dry yeast
1 tablespoon white sugar
1/2 cup warm water (100 to 110 degrees)
2 eggs
6 1/2  cups all-purpose flour, divided
1/2 cup white sugar
11/2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
1/3 cup butter or margarine, softened
If you are craving a King Cake there are few things you can do to satisfy your yen for Carnival.
Colored Frostings (see below)
Colored Sugars (see below)
Cook first four ingredients in a saucepan over low heat, stirring often, until butter melts. Cool mixture to between 100 and 110 degrees.
Dissolve yeast and 1 tablespoon sugar in 1/2 cup warm water in a large bowl; let stand 5 minutes. Add butter mixture, eggs and 2 cups flour; beat at medium speed with an electric mixer 2 minutes or until smooth. Gradually stir in enough remaining flour to make a soft dough.
Turn dough onto a lightly floured surface; knead until smooth and elastic, about 10 minutes. Place in a well-greased bowl, turning to grease top. Cover and let rise in a warm place (85 degrees), free from drafts for 1 hour or until doubled in bulk.
Stir together 1/2 cup sugar and cinnamon; set aside. Punch dough down; divide in half. Turn one portion out onto a lightly floured surface; roll to a 28- x 10-inch rectangle.
Spread half each of cinnamon mixture and softened butter on dough. Roll dough, jellyroll fashion, starting at long side. Place dough roll, seam side down, on a lightly greased baking sheet.
Bring ends together to form an oval ring, moistening and pinching edges together to seal. Repeat with remaining dough, cinnamon mixture, and butter.
Bake at 375 degrees for 15 minutes or until golden. Decorate with bands of colored frostings, and sprinkle with colored sugars.
Colored Frostings
3 cups powdered sugar
3 tablespoons butter, melted
3 tablespoons milk
1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 drops green food color
2 drops yellow food coloring
2 drops blue food coloring
2 drops red food color
Stir together powdered sugar and melted butter. Add milk to reach desired consistency for drizzling; stir in vanilla.
Divide frosting into three batches, tinting one green, one yellow, and combining red and blue food coloring for purple frosting.
Colored Sugars
11/2 cups white sugar, divided
2 drops green food color
2 drops yellow food coloring
2 drops red food color
2 drops blue food coloring
Place 1/2 cup sugar and green food coloring in a jar or zip-top plastic bag; seal.
Shake vigorously to evenly mix color with sugar. Repeat procedure with 1/2 cup sugar and yellow food coloring.
For purple, combine red and blue food coloring before adding to remaining 1/2 cup sugar.

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